All gamblers are used to hearing online casino news from the UK gaming portals, but this time Scandinavian countries such as Denmark and Sweden make you consider moving to northern servers to make your game at.
Denmark had completed an experimental online gambling regime that proved to be very safe and popular during the year 2012. The expert evaluation of the regime performances was so impressive that the Danish Gambling Authority decided to extend the validity period of the first tranche of online gambling licenses for 5 more years. You can choose from 5 local and 20 foreign online gambling operators working within the regime. Nine smaller operators will be issued restricted licenses – their gross gambling revenue income restriction is the only difference. They cannot offer more than 1 million of Danish kroner (over kr 100,000).
According to Tina R. Olsen, head of the Legal Division at the Danish Gambling Authority, all illegal and unlicensed online gambling in Denmark is over. Many doubtful operators had to leave the Danish jurisdiction; Internet Service Providers blocked many gambling web sites. The Danish Gambling Authority considers it to be their obligation to monitor the Danish gambling market to make sure that visitors and legal operators enjoy fair game.
Sweden is going to regulate and license online gambling, too. The National Audit Office had studied the gambling market of Sweden and recommended a certain course of action for the government to follow. The prime minister and the finance minister signed the statement, and the new regulatory system is in action now. The Swedish Tax Agency in its turn has imposed additional taxes on the online gambling software developers.
In other words, you can be sure that you are offered a fair game when you register online to gamble at Scandinavian gaming zones.