Is it Immoral to Accept Donations from Gambling Companies?

Gordon Brown’s Labour Party (Great Britain) is reported to have accepted $300,000 from The money is considered to be a donation. It featured in the Party’s quarterly figures published by the Electoral Commission.

Some politicians think the Party could be in trouble. That happened after the governmental decision regarding Manchester’s “super casino” and announcement of a review of gambling advertising guidelines. So, morality of the action is widely discussed.

Besides, there is an opinion that Tony Blair, Brown’s predecessor, has left the Party $40 million in debt. No wonder, there is such a need for individual donations, especially in regards to the general election campaign in October.

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About Mark Newman

Mark Newman - was born in 1971 in Pictou, a town located on the beautiful Northumberland Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. In 1998 he graduated from Acadia University (Nova Scotia, Wolfville) with the Master’s degree in social studies. Mark simply adores his wife and sons. Considers poker to be one of the most exquisite kinds of art and rarely misses his chance of practicing.