Zone4Play Expands Their Business

Zone4Play is widely recognized thanks to their mobile gaming applications and interactive TV gaming solutions. Now, the company is ready to expand their business. Online multiplayer blackjack software and TV gaming service The Winner Channel are the main focus of Zone4Play for the remainder of 2007. The strategic business plans announced require cutting back both employees and monthly operating expenses by nearly half., Zone4Play’s online blackjack tournament service, will help extend their gaming offering on the blackjack tournament sector, while The Winner Channel operated with Two-Way Media, offers a new line of online casino games thus satisfying the needs of players for online TV gaming content.

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About Mark Newman

Mark Newman - was born in 1971 in Pictou, a town located on the beautiful Northumberland Shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. In 1998 he graduated from Acadia University (Nova Scotia, Wolfville) with the Master’s degree in social studies. Mark simply adores his wife and sons. Considers poker to be one of the most exquisite kinds of art and rarely misses his chance of practicing.