20 events planned to take place in June have been recently announced by one of the leading online sites for Freeroll Poker Tournaments – Shark Poker Tour. Steve “Shark” Hathaway, CEO stated: “The Shark Army will play No Limit Holdem Freerolls, Ladies Only Events, Omaha 8/b and $1 rebuys every month”. Then he added that their veteran members proudly support and encourage new players.
The pleasant thing for Shark Poker players is free membership whilst playing for added prize money in Shark Freerolls.
Premier Poker sites are a sponsor of the Shark Tour. As agreed they provide software and banking capabilities for the players after having cashed in a Shark Event to be paid immediately. Shark continues saying: “We use only Premier Poker sites that are trusted and secure. Many Freeroll Poker sites use unknown or unproven Poker sites. We are proud to use these leaders in Online Poker, Absolute Poker, Poker.com, Sun Poker, Ultimate Bet, and many other Premier sites”.
Highly respected pro and Holder of World Series of Poker bracelet, hot supporter of the Shark Tours Scott Fischman will feature the June Shark Tours. Please notice that $ 1000 has been added for this event, it is free, and there is no qualifying.
Either a beginner or an expert will be able to get the news about the Tournament, the news being provided by the Shark Forum.
If you are a new member you are able to register free of charge at the Tour sites.