As the titles says, more gambling fun is about to appear in Maryland totalling the overall quantity of up to 631 items despite the fact that other gambling vendors tend to decrease their slots quantity.
The Casino spokesman announced the 24 of the news slot machines to be placed inside the «gambling palace» while the rest of the 30 slots to be located outside on the new terrace divided to three parts with rooftop over each one of it. No other detailed are disclosed due to the pending decision of the Maryland authorities.
The other part of the news is possible merging of the two companies. It must be said that gaming control agency recommends the deal to be approved between Lakes Entertainment and Golden Gaming. The first party own the current resort and the second party resides in Las Vegas. The deal is currently being investigated and has been described by the MLGCA representative as «meeting and consistent with the gaming law».
Golden Gaming is also known to have negative financial positional, but it should be said that the situation shows steady signs of improvement within the three years of operating period as reviews by the MLGCA commission.
Another strong argument is the significant amount of funds alongside with the liquid assets which promises to strengthen the pverall condition of the merging companies.