Being a rapidly developing poker room, Titan Poker has recently announced a $500,000 Refer a Friend Freeroll Tournament that is to take place in September 2006. Your entrance is said to be free of charge, but it is to be won in a series if qualifying satellite events that begin in April 2006. The organizers guarantee the distribution of $500,000 in different prizes.
Being registered you are obviously welcome to take part in the promotion, and in such a way you’ll manage to win a seat in one of the satellite events. But those who will be joined by their friends in the poker event will have preferred entries to satellites.
This $500,000 Refer a Friend Freeroll poker tournament is only one in a number of exciting events organized by Titan Poker room and being offered on the iPoker Network. Its players are always awarded seats to the best poker tournaments in the world. Titan Poker room attracts its players with great weekly and monthly cash prizes and jackpots as high as $100,000. E.g., now it is offering more than $1,000,000 in monthly tournament prizes.
Have your heard of the World’s Best Freeroll? This event will be hosted by Titan Poker room on May 21, 2006 and is said to have a $500,000 guaranteed prize pool, and moreover – an unbelievable jackpot – $100 million. To note: the player who will hit a Royal Flush of Spades at the Final Table will win the Jackpot. Seven other final table jackpots that run as high as $3 million dollar also guarantee you excitement.
National Indemnity Company being the subsidiary of one of the biggest insuring companies in the world – Berkshire Hathaway Inc. – re-insures the $100 million Jackpot prize.