White Label Platform for Beast’s Network

The Beast Gaming Group is about to offer a white label poker site to the European market (the final stages of preparation are in the process now).

Beast has been looking for high quality gaming platform for quite a while and has finally found one white label platform designed by Intelimax. The platform allows great flexibility.

Beast Gaming hopes that their existing online casino players will respond well to the new internet poker platform.

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About Carmine Dutrow

Carmine Dutrow – was born and spent her entire life in Kentucky, USA. She never planned to move and in 2000 she made up her mind to enter Kentucky State University where she studied for three years in the College of Art and Social Sciences. Carmine’s Dad and elder brother, both ardent gamblers, became the first teachers and companions of the girl in playing poker. Today she can hardly imagine her holiday without a visit to a casino.