Breach Warning

The BC Lottery Corporation had to shut down its Play Now online casino gambling site on its launch day as a result of security compromise causing the leak of personal information of account holders. An attempt to re-launch the site has actually failed too, as gamblers other than account holders were still able to access player accounts and important security data was accessible too.

Unfortunately the account breach is still active, and the company has not overcome the security issues yet. Initial reports say that the security breach compromised some player accounts and at least $8,000 was wagered illegally.

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About Trinette Brasseur

Trinette Brasseur – was born in Canada but soon her parents moved to Toulouse, France. In 2000 Trinette graduated from the Nationale Superieure d’Electroniaue, d’Electrotechnique, d’Informatique et d’Hydraulique de Toulouse. A professional programmer-analyst, Trinette started investigating gambling professionally. No wonder the lady got entirely involved into the process! She can give you a lot of stunning facts about roulette and poker.