Tax on Revenues to Help Cover Budget Needs

After severe criticism, the Cyprian government has slowed down on attempts to block online casinos. However, there are reports saying that the government has announced a new tax program requiring all Cyprian gamblers to pay higher taxes on their winnings.

No doubt the Cyprian government has found a perfect way to collect more money for the country’s budget. According to the new policies, a Cyprian gambler who has won money gambling online will have to claim these winnings on their personal taxes as a source of income. Previously, online casinos paid out winnings without reporting winners to the government. Now, it is clear, that the winners who have not registered their winnings will face numerous fines and penalties.

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About Carmine Dutrow

Carmine Dutrow – was born and spent her entire life in Kentucky, USA. She never planned to move and in 2000 she made up her mind to enter Kentucky State University where she studied for three years in the College of Art and Social Sciences. Carmine’s Dad and elder brother, both ardent gamblers, became the first teachers and companions of the girl in playing poker. Today she can hardly imagine her holiday without a visit to a casino.