Internet Filtered Out in Australia

Lots of western countries have the practice of filtering online casinos. Recently the Australian government has announced the plans to censor questionable content from the Australian market via filtering programs and the plans have raised international outrage. One of the main objections to censorship is the precedence that it sets for other industries.

The brightest example is China where the government filters out a unbelievable number of “unsafe” web sites that contain everything from international news to online casino sites and most major social networking sites. So, there is fear that Australian government will switch from online casinos and questionable sites to the sites containing less controversial topics.

Despite a serious wave of objections, Australian Communication Minister has announced that the Internet filters are supposed to go into effect this year.

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About Carmine Dutrow

Carmine Dutrow – was born and spent her entire life in Kentucky, USA. She never planned to move and in 2000 she made up her mind to enter Kentucky State University where she studied for three years in the College of Art and Social Sciences. Carmine’s Dad and elder brother, both ardent gamblers, became the first teachers and companions of the girl in playing poker. Today she can hardly imagine her holiday without a visit to a casino.