Atronic Partners with Cantor Gaming

Thanks to the deal signed with Atronic, the leading slot machine manufacturer, Cantor Gaming has got rights to some Atronic slots. Now, they are available in the hanheld and online gaming format that Cantor Gaming provides.

The deal seems to be exciting for both sides. Atronic has expanded “access of their players’ favorite games through Cantor’s mobile devices within casinos and legal casino markets”. As for Cantor Gaming, they are trying to do their best in providing their players with high quality proven games in professional and lawfyl manner.

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About Trinette Brasseur

Trinette Brasseur – was born in Canada but soon her parents moved to Toulouse, France. In 2000 Trinette graduated from the Nationale Superieure d’Electroniaue, d’Electrotechnique, d’Informatique et d’Hydraulique de Toulouse. A professional programmer-analyst, Trinette started investigating gambling professionally. No wonder the lady got entirely involved into the process! She can give you a lot of stunning facts about roulette and poker.